The Website is the property of Mélanie Sylla and Ndaté Sylla.
Address: 50, rue de la Commanderie, 54000 Nancy, France
Phone number: +33 (0) 6 23 41 82 43
In charge of publication: Mélanie Sylla and Ndaté Sylla
Webmaster: Ndaté Sylla, SyllaDesign
Web host: INFOMANIAK NETWORK SA, Avenue de la Praille 26, 1227 Carouge / Geneva, Switzerland
Use of the SaDunya site and its contents
The Website is a collaborative, shared Website. Everyone is invited to participate, in a constructive, positive spirit. Works are provided free of charge under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License – No Commercial Use – No Derivative Works 3.0.
We create videos, photos, illustrations and texts which are published on in the form of articles. This work is performed entirely within the framework of the SaDunya project concept. We thus contribute at no charge to making individuals, businesses and ideas known all over the world. We do not provide source documents to third parties. Anyone wishing to work with a member of SaDunya may contact him or her directly, but only outside the context of the SaDunya project. We do not work in the same fashion when producing videos or photos upon request. Each project or undertaking is unique. Each request is therefore handled professionally and individually.
Internet users have, on occasion, asked us how to contact the individuals mentioned in articles. Please note, however, that we do not transmit any email addresses we have been provided to third parties without the prior agreement of their owner.
We invite you to share the articles and participate in the SaDunya project should you wish to do so.
Technical Information
We accept documents in the following electronic formats:
- Microsoft Word
- OpenOffice Suite
- LibreOffice Suite
- txt